
Senin, 19 Maret 2012

Bees, Small Animal smartest

Bees are tiny insects that are not really capable of thinking. However, they were able to finish a big job that was previously unimaginable. Each job requires special calculations and planning. It's amazing that such intelligence and expertise that exists on each bee. However, a more severe and the thousands of bees work together on a regular basis and planned in order to achieve a common goal, and the work they carry out their full and earnest without the slightest mistake.The greatest difficulty in organizing a group of people to work together is the preparation of work schedules and division of tasks and responsibilities. In a factory, for example, there is a neat structure of positions in which workers report to the foreman, the foreman reported to the engineer, the engineer reports to the executive managers and executive managers reporting to general manager. The efficient operation of the plant requires a lot of manpower and funds; manufacture of long and short term plans; and statistical data collection. Production based on production plans have been prepared in advance, and quality control performed at each stage. Every engineer, manager and executive manager of education and specialized training within a specified period before being placed in their respective positions.However, after all requirements are met and the system of organization has been formed, only a few hundred workers are able to work together in harmony.Thus, the establishment of cooperation between several hundred and intelligent human beings with their own ideas require complex planning and cost prohibitive. However, tens of thousands of bees are able to build a perfect system of organization which is unmatched by any human society.Unlike humans, bees do not get any education or training. Once the bee was born, he immediately carry out the tasks assigned to him.Factory employee working for a salary at the end of the month. Meanwhile, a bee no personal gain from the work he was doing. Factory employees work performed, either as regular employees or executive manager, restricted to certain hours and they are entitled to the holidays. In contrast, bees worked all my life, without a break, for the sake and good of others.No doubt, Allah, He it is that makes each of the tens of thousands of bees that work in harmony without stopping, like gears in a machine. In one verse, Allah warns people about all the blessings that God gave to humans through animals of His creation: "And We have subjected the animals to them, then they ride and sebahagiannya sebahagiannya they eat. And they get him the benefits and beverages. So will they not be thankful? "(Surah Yaasiin, 36:72-73)

On average, about 60-70 thousand bees living in a nest. Although the population is so dense, bees are able to do the work in a planned and orderly.A bee colony typically consists of worker bees, males and queens. Virtually the worker bees do all the tasks in the hive. Since being born, the worker bees begin to work immediately, and for life, they perform various tasks alternated in accordance with the developments taking place in their bodies. They spent the first three days of their lives by cleaning the nest.Nest hygiene is very important to the health of bees and larvae in the colony. Worker bees remove all excess material in the nest. We met insect intruders who are unable to remove them from the nest, they killed him first. Then they wrapped him in a way resembles embalming. What is interesting here is the preservation of these bees use a special material called "propolis". Propolis is an excellent material because of its anti-bacterial so it is best used as a preservative.How do bees know this is the best material as a preservative, and how they are able to produce it in their body?
Propolis is a substance that can only be produced under laboratory conditions with the technology and the level of knowledge of chemistry is quite high. Obvious that the bees did not have this knowledge, let alone in his laboratory.
Furthermore, the worker bees responsible for checking the cells to use the queen to lay eggs. In addition, the worker bees are also in charge of collecting dirt in cells that had been left by the larvae which had been born, and clean food storage cells. The bees also regulate humidity and temperature in the hive, if necessary, with kipasan wind through their wings at the nest entrance.Important to note that all the tasks that require specialization is conducted by 3 days old worker bees responsible for the cleanliness.
Worker bees spend their time after the first 3 days by caring for the larvae. As they become more mature, some glandular secretions in their bodies begin to function; this allows them to take care of larvae. All the tasks related to treatment was done by the larvae of worker bees yamg aged 3 to 10 days. They feed the larvae with royal jelly partly, and partly with a mixture of honey-pollen. New-born creatures have been aware that the task they are responsible and have the knowledge to do it with a very professional manner.The bees change the task as he grew older. When it reaches the 10th day of his life, wax-producing glands in the abdomen of worker bees suddenly have matured so that it is able to produce wax. That's when a worker bee builders honey storage cells by using candles.
This phenomenon raises many questions. How can a living thing in its cradle, and, moreover, that does not have the intelligence and knowledge really understand all the tasks that they are responsible? How the body of an animal can suddenly teradaptasikan to care for and feed the larvae with the functioning of a gland secretions, but shortly before he was programmed to perform cleaning tasks? How does a bee, a 4 or 5 days before the larvae, can think and plan all these duties? How the body can suddenly produce a candle and turned into a construction worker? Though construction is based on complex and highly precise calculation, which will not be able to be done by humans though.No doubt, it is not possible bee itself that does the calculation based on its own intelligence. Thus, it is evident that every phase of his life, bees are subject to the wisdom and power of the Creator. Bees live every moment in life with the inspiration given by God, the Creator of the Mighty.

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1 komentar:

  1. This is a really good information about the bees and how they work. It helped me to understand bees and their working in a better way.
