
Senin, 05 Maret 2012

the beauty goa in indonesian

the beauty goa in indonesian
Goa Lawa Purbalingga

GOA is a vast natural cave located below ground level on the slopes of Mount Slamet formed by frozen lava flows. located in the village Siwarak Karangreja District, north of the city purbalingga keradah length 1.300m

Under the Tourism Development Master Plan (RIIP) Kabupeten Purbalingga In 2006, Goa Lawa Tourism Object tourism is an area that was one of the flagship product Purbalingga tourism. Goa Lawa who has a 1.5 KM long with an area of ​​5 KM is a cave that is formed from limestone deposits da frozen lava flows beneath the ground surface. Goa Lawa cave meruakan Kars because terbntuk of limestone deposits and lava flows are frozen. In addition meruakan Kars cave, the cave is also still very naturally proved with the bat and there are still many children who should not enter the cave in the cave. artifacts in the cave ga child who has a special attraction.


Goa Jatijajar
Located 21 km southwest district Gombong, or 42 km southwest of Kebumen. Legend in the cave describes the legend or the legend of Raden Kamandaka Kasarung monkey. The cave is 250 meters long. In this Jatijajar Goa area there are also several other caves, such as Goa and Goa Dempok Intan and available parks and Monkey Island. To go to these places and infrastructures already available means of transportation, lodging and restaurants are relatively representative.

Goa Seplawan

For those who enjoy adventure in the cave, it is not wrong to try to see the beauty of Goa is located in the village Seplawan Donorejo, District Kaligesing, Purworejo regency, Central Java. Quite a tourist attraction visited this cave, especially on holidays. Besides enjoying the bowels of the earth tour, visitors will also be in suguhi beautiful scenery with cool air nan.

Goa Ngalau Indah

Goa Gong
Goa Gong is a very famous cave, this cave has stalactites and stalakmid famous and stunning beauty. Goa is located in Pacitan, East Java, Indonesia is visited by foreign tourists and foreign tourists, especially on the day a holiday.

The visitors usually take pictures with background images and stalactites stalagmite that forms a very beautiful, or just to see see the charm of the most beautiful caves in this world.It can be accessed through the city by public transport Pacitan and private vehicles. and you certainly will not be disappointed in your trip because ... Goa Gong is very beautiful and you must visit.
indahnya goa gong di pacitan
Goa Istana Maharani

This cave is located very strategic and exciting as it is situated near the beach approximately 500 m and is located in Tuban, Gresik curb exactly in Paciran Lamongan district. One of the natural wonders such as caves maharani palace that holds the beauty of nature is more specific and unique cave above the average of the other attractions. In fact, according to Dr prof. KRT.Khoo international experts from the foundation speleologi perguaan in Bogor Indonesia considered that the stalactite and stalagmite in the cave palace of Maharani still live by the beauty of these caves can be aligned with the Altamira cave in Spain. Mamonth and caves in Carlsbad. The cave that holds a million of these beauties are dikedalaman 25 m from ground level with an area of ​​2500 m2 cave cavity

Maharani Palace Goa is more specific to save the natural beauty, the beauty memiIiki above - average tourist cave in Indonesia. Even some experts pergoaan comment, journalists and tourists, judging this cave has parallels with the cave - the cave famous attractions such as the Overseas Altamira Cave in Spain, Mammoth Cave and Carlsbad in the 'United States and Goa Coranche in France.

Gua Gunung Wangi Pemalang 

Fragrant Mountain cave is nature with landscapes and caves that have a cluster of five 0.5 ha area in the District of Bantar Bolang. Cave cluster consists of Goa Suite, Buyung Goa, Goa Laren, Bandung Goa, Goa and Goa Beast Mountain. Mountain cave is the largest and longest cave. Location 35 km to the southwest Pemalang.

Goa Greweng Yogyakarta

Kawasan Wediombo, Gunung Kidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
Goa Greweng Yogyakarta

Goa Giskendo

Desa Jatimulyo, Girimulya, Kulon Progo Yogyakarta

Goa Kiskendo Yogyakarta

Goa Peninggalan Jepang 

At the time of Japanese Occupation in Indonesia, Japan memampaatkan goa goa lot, be it a cave that is seacara natural or artificial cave with Japan's own labor is taken from people - people of Indonesia or better known as romusha system, the goal is to place the defense, protection, and also the storage of weapons during World War II

Here are some relics of the cave during the Japanese rule in Indonesia:

Goa Jepang di Biak – Papua

In Goa, there are a number of Japanese small room as a place to rest. In Goa there are three large rooms that formed the Japanese army for a number of interests, each room with its function and connected to each other. I used as warehouse space, a place to store food, drugs, war equipment, and communication tools. Space II, to be a place caring for the sick, and III space is a place reserved for the officers to conduct meetings related to the interests of the war.
This is where the Japanese cave defenses are very strong and difficult to penetrate the Allied Forces. Sehinnga elumpuhkan cave, the allied forces under the command of General McArthur dropped drums of fuel are fired from the air. No fewer than 3,000 Japanese soldiers were killed were buried in the cave.

Goa Jepang di Manado – Sulawesi Utara
Local people call it the Cave of 100 Rooms. This cave is a deep hole. Inside the cavity is quite large with minimal lighting. While the conditions surrounding the cave is quite natural.You still have to walk 500 meters to reach the location of this historical cave.

North Sulawesi is a region for the Allied landings in Indonesia from the Pacific. Therefore, this area became a fierce battle front. Japanese caves are scattered across multiple locations. In addition to the Kawangkoan, Japanese caves also exist in Singkil One, Tanjung Batu, South Titiwungen, Pakowa, Tikala Ares, and Kairagi.

Goa Jepang di Kawangkoan – Sulawesi Utara
In District Kawangkoan, Minahasa regency, North Sulawesi there are caves and even some of the relics of the Japanese colonial Dutch heritage. There is a cave in the village of Kiawa (along the highway to Kawangkoan) and Tondegesan village, about 1.5 kilometers from the center Kawangkoan District. But the unfortunate condition of the cave seem less well maintained due to lack of government attention.

Gua Jepang di Kupang – Nusa Tenggara Timur
Four stick-shaped hole cave in the cliff, right on the banks of the River Liliba, Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara. Goa looks unkempt. There was no clue at all about the condition of the cave, such as depth, length, or width of the cave.

Local people claimed to be afraid to enter because the tunnel was very distant and dark.The local government had never tried to get into the hole.

The words "Japanese heritage site" at the entrance of the cave does not give any information. Written with black paint was barely legible because the outer skin peeling plywood. Most of the residents of Kupang do not know and had never visited the Japanese cave


Goa Jepang di Bali
Goa which consists of 16 holes with a depth of 4 meters, two of which do not relate to one another, one located at the southern end of the fruit and the other end of the north, while the other relationships in touch and connected by an alley extending North towards the South .Goa was built by the Japanese army daslam memperrtahankan its self from attack allied forces during the Japanese occupation in 1941 precisely. Goa this kind, but simply made up a large hole in the village there are also sub Nusa Penida Suana yangdimaksudkan lookout for marine traffic in the Straits of Lombok.

Japanese cave can be reached easily because of its location alongside a road in the direction Denpasar-Semarapura, precisely in the Banjar Koripan, Banjarangkan Village, District Banjarangkan.

Goa Jepang Bandealit – Jawa Timur
Japanese cave is situated at an altitude of 200 m. In front of this cave there is a pile of stones which is the protection of the enemy during the attack, when the enemy entered the Gulf Bandealit. The situation is still neat. Gulf of Goa Bandealit Japan can be seen as a whole.

Goa Jepang di Kaliurang, Sleman – Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
For the Japan Ground Cave, we take about 30 minutes from the city of Yogyakarta. The story of ancient times, the Dutch army had previously used this cave as a place of residence. For into this cave, we will climb the hill with a distance of about 800 meters!

The distance is certainly quite a lot and requires a lot of energy. But the name alone adventure, would have needed energy. And there are 24 caves that are all interconnected.Quite a lot too.

Goa Jepang di Bandung – Jawa Barat
Built during the Japanese occupation which is only about 3 years, visitors need not fear into the cave because it is relatively noisy, a solid wall of the cave, and room or cave passages are relieved, height, width, and length. God knows how many lives romusha be a victim when the Japanese Cave was made.

Goa Jepang di Garut – Jawa Barat

Being in a valley between two hills named Peak Munasim. Cave in this valley there are four, one of them into a nest of bats and water sources for residents Cikopo. This cave is not too deep, the depth is about 10 meters long.

Of local folklore, this cave is the hiding place of the Japanese air attack Dutch troops. Goa was built by romusha, with a working system is far from the city paksa.Lokasinya Garut, about 99 km to the south, reached by traveling approximately 2-3 hours.

Goa Jepang di Pangandaran – Jawa Barat
Japanese cave was built in 1942, with forced labor (romusha). The walls of the cave consists of a hard rock without illumination. Vast size and width of the cave there are several ventilation holes the size of a 1 meter wall of the cave. In the turbulent times of the cave was used as a hiding place as well as weapons and ammunition storage. Residents in Pangandaran said Goa has never been renovated, so it still seems genuine.

Goa/Lobang Jepang di Bukittinggi – Sumatra Barat
The length of the hole location Panorama is located approximately 1400 meters, while the overall length of which is under the City of New York City is estimated from approximately 5000 meters, thus preserved / maintained only 30% of the existing pit.
Japan's main usefulness of this hole is the basis of Japan's military defense of the Allied occupiers then the building is kept confidential, and no one knows for sure when the aperture of Japan was built. Can be estimated only a few months after March 1942, when Japan seized the hand of Bukittinggi from the Dutch Government.

1 komentar:

  1. These pictures are just meritorious. I hope Indonesia is a great country to visit different places and enjoying the natural beauty. Thanks for this wonderful sharing.
